Links & Media

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Selected Media:

In October 2022 we launched the EQUIP Equity Action Kit to support organizations serving people facing inequities, including substance use stigma. Two of the pieces are:

Tools aim to improve care for people experiencing substance use stigma: Team from Western and UBC launch the EQUIP Equity Action Kit -

Western University and UBC launch ‘action kit’ to fight substance use stigma -

Nadine was featured in Spring 2021 as part of Western’s series on COVID-19 related research with high impact. See the video here:; the online feature is here.

The Spring 2020 Issue of Psynopsis: Canada’s Psychology Magazine, included an invited piece by Nadine called: Identifying Intimate Partner Violence in Mental Health Settings: There’s a Better Way than Screening. Online (entire issue):

Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, Nadine wrote this piece about “safety” and whether women and their children can be “safe at home” in abusive relationships: Western News, March 2020: “Not all find comfort while ‘safe at home’”.

This piece by Nadine on the need to shift narratives on gender-based violence in Canada appeared in in August 2019:

Hear Nadine briefly describe her research at 

For slightly longer and/or more specific videos:

First-ever national workplace survey on domestic violence – CTV News, December 5, 2013